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DK Suing State Broadcaster MTVA for Defamation

poster of Elkxrtuk movie

The Democratic Coalition (DK) party has decided to sue state broadcaster MTVA for defamation over a statement heard on Kossuth Rádió yesterday about Klára Dobrev, their nominee for this month’s primary election.

The radio presenter of “Good Morning, Hungary!” claimed that Dobrev had decided “in 2006 to beat and shoot out the eyes of innocent people in the street.” In other words, the radio presenter had accepted as fact the allegations made in the recent film “Elkxrtuk.”

A DK press release states that “the propagandists of public radio have swallowed Fidesz’ propaganda film whole, the conspiracy theory contained in ‘Elkxrtuk.'” As a result of these unfounded allegations, “the Democratic Coalition will naturally sue MTVA.” [444]

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