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Government: Gyurcsány Responsible for Hungary’s High Gas Prices

The government is claiming that gas prices are currently over 500 forints per liter because of the actions of the previous Socialist, Ferenc Gyurcsány and Péter Medgyessy-led government, reports 444.

Responding to a question by ÁTV Híradó, the Governmental Information Center claims that the current government has little room to move because “during EU accession talks with the European Union in 2004, the left-wing (Medgyessy-Gyurcsány) could have asked for a more favorable agreement” exempting Hungary from tax obligations, but that it did not do so.

The information center added that Hungary was the only country in the EU that reduced fuel taxes this year, with a 10 forint per liter reduction on gas oil and 5 forint per liter on gasoline introduced on April 1.

Posted in Domestic

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