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European Parliament Wants to See Deadline-Based Recommendations Given to Orbán Gov’t

The ministers for European Affairs in EU member states will hold a hearing with Hungarian government representatives on May 23 on the state of the rule of law in Hungary, as a part of the Article 7 procedure that may end up suspending Hungary’s rights within the EU.

This will be the fourth hearing since the European Parliament adopted Judith Sargentini’s report in September 2018, which launched the process that has to prove that EU values are in serious jeopardy in the country. While the process may end up recinding Hungary’s voting rights, the EU27 continues to only hold discussions on the relevant problems.

The European Parliament would like member state governments to take the next step and set deadline-based recommendations for the Hungarian authorities.

In Tuesday’s plenary debate, representatives of Christian Democrat and left-liberal groups urged a panel of ministers to get moving on the matter, as they believe that serious attacks on the rule of law and democratic values remain prevalent in Hungary. [Népszava]

Posted in European Union

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