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New Parliament Forms, But DK, Momentum, and Dialogue MPs Leave After Taking Oath

The inaugural session of the new National Assembly was held at 11am on Monday, where Members of Parliament took their respective oaths of office. Parties held various events before the official start of the new Parliament.

MPs in opposition party Momentum, which is appearing in Parliament for the first time, took an “alternative oath” in a video they shared on Facebook. In the video, the deputies swore that they would not only represent a privileged elite, but the interests of the entire country, and would work for the health, livelihood, and knowledge of the Hungarian nation.

After taking the actual oath of office, and prior to a speech by President János Áder, MPs in DK, Momentum, and Dialogue marched out of the hall in protest. Momentum had previously announced that it would be boycotting the rest of the opening ceremony.

Independent MP Ákos Hadházy was the only Member of Parliament not to take the oath of office today. [Telex, Index]

Posted in Domestic

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