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Today is Last Chance Before Elections for Opposition to Question Orbán

picture of Viktor Orbán

Monday marks the penultimate Parliamentary session for the year, and likely the last day that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will have to face questions from the opposition, reports Azonnali.

Only speeches, pressing issues, and questions will be on the agenda, with no votes expected to be taken.

The paper says that Orbán will be in the Chamber today, and that opposition politicians Péter Jakab (Jobbik), Tamás Harangozó (MSZP), Tímea Szabó (Dialogue), Erzsébet Schmuck (LMP) and Péter Ungár (LMP and Azonnali owner) are scheduled to ask questions of the Prime Minister.

These questions have to be given a title, but it is standard for MPs to submit vague titles such as “Current Issues” so that they can ask the most topical question possible.

Azonnali expects this to be the last occasion in which the opposition will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to Viktor Orbán in Parliament before next spring’s elections.

The Members of Parliament will definitely have to come together again sometime in March, before the elections, to elect a successor to President János Áder.

If Fidesz’s prospects for the April election do not look good at that point, the news site believes that the National Assembly will elect House Speaker László Kövér for this post, who would continue to strongly represent Fidesz interests as President, even in opposition.


Posted in Domestic

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