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Budapest Development Center to be Run by Notorious Budapest-Hater János Lázár

Construction and development overseen by the Budapest Development Center (BFK) will be transferred to the Ministry of Construction and Investment, headed by János Lázár, the Prime Minister’s Officer confirmed to RTL News in response to a Telex article published on Monday.

Telex reported that BFK head Balázs Fürjes had announced to his staff a few days prior that the state body coordinating developments in the capital would be transferred to Lázár’s new ministry.

This may also mean that the BFK will cease to exist in its current form, as János Lázár has said on multiple occastions that he considers the development of rural Hungary as much more important than the capital. A year ago, former Budapest Mayor István Tarlós said that János Lázár never had any love for Budapest.

Moreover, the government may have decided that developing Budapest is not a priority, as it was able to gain a two-thirds majority in Parliament without the need to win seats in the capital city.

The change is likely to have an effect on the major transportation projects administered by the BFK the most, but not on the government’s big-ticket, so-called “prestige” development projects, such as the Liget project or the construction taking place in the Buda Castle. [RTL, 444]

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