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Miklós Hajnal to Run for Chair of Momentum

Momentum’s Miklós Hajnal announced his candidacy for party president in a Facebook post on Friday, writes Népszava.

The opposition politician, who won an individual race in Budapest’s Hegyvidék district in the April 3 election, had previously rejected claims alleging that he was interested in the post.

But with current president Anna Donáth announcing her pregnancy four days ago and declaring that she would not be running again for the position, Hajnal wrote that “a radically new situation has arisen in Momentum.”

A week ago, I didn’t think I’d be writing a post like this, and I wasn’t prepared for this role. (…) Many now truly see Momentum as the only ray of hope. As a new parliamentary actor, we can show a new direction to the opposition side. I believe in my community, and believe that overthrowing Fidesz requires a strong and decisive Momentum in the opposition space.

-stated Hajnal in his announcement post. [Népszava]

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