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Facebook Deletes Our Homeland

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Facebook deleted the page for far-right Hungarian party Our Country Movement in the last week before the election, announced MP and party vice-chair Dóra Dúró in a video uploaded to her Facebook page.

Dúró said that by taking this action, Facebook was intervening in the outcome of Hungary’s parliamentary elections. The party was not even notified that the site had been blocked, she said. Instead, they simply noticed that it was no longer accessible.

Our Homeland’s Facebook page had reached half a million people in the past month, she also stated.

Dóra Dúró said that Facebook had informed them that the party had violated its community principles, but the social media company did not point to any specific post or content in this regard.

The politician vowed to refer the matter to the National Election Commission, and said they would be reporting that a crime had been committed against the regular administration of the election.

Our Homeland’s president, László Toroczkai, is already party to a lawsuit with Facebook in connection with the deletion of his social media page during the European Parliament election campaign. Dúró claimed that a first-instance verdict on the matter may be announced next week.


Posted in Domestic

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