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Hungarian Opposition Announces Shadow Cabinet of Experts

picture of campaign victory speech

The united political opposition has decided on its “talking heads” for the upcoming election campaign, reports Magyar Hang. The paper’s sources note that this group of people, a “shadow government” previously discussed by opposition prime minister-designate Péter Márki-Zay (pictured, speaking), does not necessarily represent his choices for ministerial posts in a future cabinet.

Márki-Zay’s shadow government is composed of experts who will have the task of communicating on topics related to a particular field, meaning that they will represent the position of the opposition and the prime ministerial candidate in their given area. Several of them come from the team of experts Márki-Zay assembled to put together his election platform in mid-November.

The news site reports that Tamás Wittinghoff, as the mayor of the Budapest suburb of Budaörs for the past 30 years, will be in charge of ​​local government issues. Zoltán Komáromi, a general practitioner and health care expert in the Democratic Coalition, will be responsible for communicating health care issues.

Imre Komjáthi, deputy chair of MSZP, will be in charge of employee rights and interests. Law enforcement issues will be entrusted to Róbert Lengyel, a 24-year veteran of the police force and the non-partisan mayor of Siófok since 2014.

Endre Tóth will be responsible for the field of education for the Hungarian opposition, while Júlia Király, the former vice-president of the Hungarian National Bank, will respond to economic-related issues.

Lawyer and sociologist Zoltán Fleck will take over the field of constitutional issues, and Máté Kanász-Nagy, co-chair of the LMP, will be responsible for communicating social issues.

Church-related affairs will be the duty of Katalin Lukácsi, a leading member of the Péter Márki-Zay’s Everybody’s Hungary Movement, while Ádám Steinmetz, former Olympic champion water polo player for Hungary and Jobbik Member of Parliament, will answer to sport-related issues.


Posted in 2022 Elections

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