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Pessimistic About Hungarian Judicial System, Judge is Leaving Country

picture of Viktor Vadász

Judge Viktor Vadász (pictured) is leaving Hungary to be the deputy director of the Academy of European Law. Vadász was relieved of his judicial duties by President János Áder after resigning, writes Népszava.

Viktor Vadász became a topic of media discussion in 2018 when, as a member of the National Council of Judges (OBT), he expressed his differences with Tünde Handó, who was president of the National Courts Office (OBH) at the time, and spoke openly about tensions within the judiciary.

The resigned judge has now told Népszava that he is not leaving for political reasons, but that he applied for the position abroad in part because he sees no chance for meaningful positive change in the Hungarian judicial system.

Vadász claims that appointing András Zs. Varga as the President of the Curia High Court did not promote the independence of the court system, just as, in his opinion, the actions of OBH President György Senyei did not bring about positive change either.


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