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Constitutional Court Has Received 32 Complaints Over Vaccine Requirements

picture of person being vaccinated

The Constitutional Court has received 32 complaints in which the petitioners questioned the constitutionality of a government decree ordering the compulsory vaccination of state and municipal employees.

The measures intended by the government to limit the spread of the virus appeared in two decrees at the end of October, one for the private sector and the other for state and municipal employees.

The first decree grants private employers the right to determine whether their employees should be vaccinated, while the second one mandates vaccination for workers in education, the armed forces, those employed at cultural and social institutions, and government personnel working in administration and civil service. However, vaccine mandates for municipal employees are left to the discretion of mayors in each municipality.

The first complaint was filed on the basis of the sample motions, and the case was assigned to a Constitutional Judge-Rapporteur on November 16.

In the complaint, the petitioner states that the government decree goes beyond authorization provided for in the Fundamental Law by imposing a disproportionately harsh legal punishment for the failure to get vaccinated, and it unreasonably restricts basic rights to achieve its desired aim.


Posted in Coronavirus

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