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Márki-Zay: I’d Love for Viktor Orbán to Donate to My Campaign

Péter Márki-Zay being interviewed

Opposition leader Péter Márki-Zay would be happy to accept campaign contributions from anyone, even from Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, his expected opponent in next year’s elections.

“I would be elated if Viktor Orbán personally sent money into my campaign account,” the Hódmezővásárhely mayor told HírTV.

The pro-government station also asked Márki-Zay if he would even accept donations from businessman László Bige, who has been accused of bribery and embezzlement in connection with his firm Nitrogénművek. Bige recently announced his support for the democratic opposition’s leader, and may contribute financially as well.

In response, the Hódmezővásárhely Mayor stated that until there is a court-ordered verdict in the case that would compel him to return any campaign donations from Bige, he would be happy to receive funds from the businessman.

Márki-Zay also said that he would even receive money from George Soros, mentioning that his predecessor as mayor, Fidesz politician János Lázár, did so when he received 60 million Ft. for a project designed to integrate the town’s Roma minority.

In addition, the opposition’s candidate for Prime Minister recalled that the Hungarian-American businessman and philanthropist has supported Viktor Orbán with “unbelievable sums” of money in the past, and claimed that Fidesz is the only “Soros-mercenary” party in Hungary.


Posted in 2022 Elections

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