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European Commission Officially Launches Conditionality Mechanism Against Hungary

The European Commission officially notified Hungary on Wednesday that it had launched the so-called conditionality mechanism against the country’s government. This is the first time that the EU has taken such a step in its history.

The mechanism can be launched against states where the EU’s financial interest is directly harmed by deficiencies in the rule of law. The Commission says that sufficient evidence has accumulated over the past 10 years that Hungary qualifies to be placed in such a category.

The letter sent on Wednesday essentially is a list of Hungary’s “sins” in this area, such as abuses in the procurement process, authorities not pursuing corruption, a lack of transparency in the distribution of EU aid, and superficial monitoring of accounting practices.

“In brief, it shows that the state is cooperating in the theft of EU money,” summarizes 444. [444]

Posted in European Union

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  1. Misi baci

    Happy to hear about this decision as the EU- finally- is promoting the rule of law vs. law of rule, let alone transparency and honesty. Ten years was way too long for this decision. Perhaps the Orban regime behavior regarding Ukraine was the last straw. Thank you for the many informative stories today and in recent weeks.

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