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Márki-Zay Appears Unlikely to Take His Seat in Parliament

picture of Péter Márki-Zay

Telex asked Péter Márki-Zay on Monday morning if he planned to accept a seat in the new National Assembly. He is entitled to a parliamentary mandate as the top person on the opposition’s party list, but he would have to give up his current job as mayor of Hódmezővásárhely.

I am going to focus on Hódmezővásárhely.

-Péter Márki-Zay told the news site. When asked if this meant he would not be taking a seat in Parliament, Márki-Zay answered:

I am going to work for the people of Vásárhely in the future, and in this light I will decide about the parliamentary mandate.

Based on this answer, he does not seem likely to take his seat in Parliament.

Péter Márki-Zay not only suffered a 53-35% national defeat on the party list ballot, but he also lost his individual race 52-39% to Fidesz candidate János Lázár in Csongrád-Csanád County’s 4th electoral district, although the result won’t be official until after the votes from abroad and absentee votes within the country come in this weekend. Hódmezővásárhely itself, where Márki-Zay is currently the mayor, also belongs to this constituency.

Márki-Zay only gave a brief comment regarding his local and national defeat, stating that he can now see that the unified opposition model did not work in overthrowing Fidesz.

The numbers show that we couldn’t reach the old Jobbik voters.

-said Márki-Zay, who stated the belief that at least 300,000 of Jobbik’s voters in 2018 had certainly voted for Our Homeland this time around, but that Fidesz had taken a share of them as well.

These Jobbik voters didn’t go for the united coalition and Ferenc Gyurcsány.

-he commented, promising a more detailed analysis and evaluation at a later time.

[Telex][Photo: Péter Márki-Zay / Facebook]

Posted in Domestic

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