Providing information to the public is forbidden in Tatabánya
-the Municipality of Tatabánya posted on its Facebook page on Thursday.
According to Telex, the northwestern Hungarian city has adopted a proposal by local Fidesz-KDNP representative Andrea Kocsis Magyarné, chair of the town’s Finance Committee, to waive its obligations to keep the public informed until the end of the year.
The ban on providing information includes any websites, social media pages, online newspapers, and broadcasts of their general meetings.
The municipality also wrote that the city would not undertake any new commitments or complete payments relating to public information until the 2022 budget is adopted, expected in March 2022.
A similar decision was voted on by the board at its October 21 meeting, when the council adopted a proposal by Fidesz-KDNP representative Csaba Bereznai to immediately end publication of the municipality’s free monthly magazine, Jó Szerencsét.
The municipality will create a new publication, but the conditions for the tender will be determined by the Legal Committee, which is chaired by a Fidesz representative.
[Telex][Photo: Tatabánya Megyei Jogú Város / Facebook]